Wednesday, 9 April 2014

What do you invest in? Your most valuable commodity

What do you invest in?

Time and money are our most valuable commodities. What we spend our time and money on really reveals what's most important to us. What do you spend your most valued commodities on? On you? How you look? How you feel? Having a good time? Or is it always on others? There's nothing wrong with giving but do you ever give to yourself? What's the best thing that you can give to yourself today?

As women we tend to leave ourselves last on the list. We get by on the bare minimum. Running on empty both physically and emotionally, even socially and then wonder why we're not happy. It's easy to fall into this category but if this is you, start to purposely think about ways that you can invest in yourself. Even with very little time and money, you can still do something for you. If you don't it can be detrimental to both your health and wellbeing. So today think about:

1. What can you do to make your health better?
2. What can you do to feel better about yourself?
3. How can you invest in you? What can you do that will help you to be happier, healthier and more vibrant, enjoying the journey of life?
4. What can you do today that is just for you?

It's not self-indulgent because if you're not happy, chances are it will affect the people around you. It doesn't have to be expensive or difficult, sometimes the simple little things in life make all the difference. However, what you spend your most valuable commodity on says a lot about what you think is important. You are your most valuable commodity. Invest in yourself!

For ideas on ways of making your life/health better for you, call for a free 30 minute telephone consultation. It will kick-start you to thinking more about the most important person in your life 'you'.

Have  great day!

Sally x

Get in touch! Email: Would love to hear from you or call 020 8133 1997 or 07984 033 310

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Are you resistant to change?

Are you resistant to change?

I like to help people wherever I can. Today I was talking to someone who really wanted to get rid of some belly fat. Great! I thought I can give her some suggestions. I asked a few questions to gauge what her diet's like and suggested she cut back on some foods that encourage fat storage especially around the belly area. However, while she kept complaining about wanting to change, she insisted on not changing a thing in her diet. No matter what suggestions I gave she would happily talk over me and counter everything I said. Then it came to me. She doesn't want to change

Change is a funny thing. We want it to so much yet we sabotage it at every opportunity. We welcome the final result that the change may bring but not the process we have to go through to get there. This lady probably did want change but didn't want to give up her bread and pizza to get there! That's fine. When she's ready she will. But isn't that typical of all of us? Not just where diet is concerned but in areas of life where we desperately want change but either the difficulty of the process or the fear of change stops us in our track.

I think I heard somewhere "The fear of change is better than the pain of regret".

Just a thought!

Have a great week.

Sally x

More to read:
Dust away the cobwebs
Giving up something for Lent?

The Perfect Lifestyle
New Year New YOU Staying on track with your goals for 2014
How to survive the Festive Season (and still have fun!)
Are vegetable and seed oils good for you?
September is here! Are you ready?
It starts with food - The Whole30 Programme
Don't waste your time!

Three things you can do to change your health now!
Life on your terms

Get in touch! Email: Would love to hear from you or call 020 8133 1997 or 07984 033 310

Don't forget to book your place on our Weight-Loss and Lifestyle Workshop next Saturday 5th April.

Helping you to understand the impact of certain foods to your body's fat storage mechanism, how to get off food addiction, eating more food and certain types of food for weight loss and much more! Plus a healthy lunch included. Book early bird priced tickets here.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Dust away the cobwebs

Walking away your woes

Do you ever feel fuzzy-headed? Not clear, not confident, slightly confused and a little fed up? Have you ever felt so angry that you wanted to explode?

I recently I had a situation that made me feel very upset and agitated, I was tempted to get very angry and start letting sparks fly. Instead I put my coat on and went out for a walk. I need to cool down and get a clear perspective.

It's amazing how when you walk your mind clears. I don't know how it happens. Is it the fresh air? Is it the movement of your feet? Or is it the fact that you're away from your familiar surroundings or the situation? But it gives you a clearer perspective on everything. It as if the movement of your body enables your mind to think clearly! The freedom of being outdoors in the fresh air and away from your familiar surroundings seems to do wonders.

Since that day I went back to walking every morning before starting my day. I used to do it often but lapsed over the winter months.

I now remember why I did it. When I'm walking it gives me a chance to think things through clearly. I don't have to try, it just happens naturally. When you're walking there's nothing else you can do but think! There are no other distractions. It's a time to reflect, analyse, consolidate thoughts and feelings and get everything into perspective. I don't know how it happens but I do know it gives you a chance to blow away the cobwebs from your mind and clear your head. 

So today, while the sun is shining, take the opportunity to get alone and just walk. See it as your 'me-time'. No one will miss you for half an hour and believe me at home you just don't seem to get that quiet time alone. 

Walk at an easy pace, no need to power walk and just allow yourself time with you to think, dream, sort, plan, categorise and sift through thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas so that you can dust away the cobwebs! You will be calmer, clearer and more organised and less fuzzy-headed. Even motivated!

You'll also get a bit of exercise while you're at it!

Email me feedback! Would love to know how you got on.

Have a great day!

Sally x

Read more:

What's On at SHL:

Women's Weight-Loss Workshop, Saturday 5th April, 10am-2pm

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Giving Up Something for Lent?

Giving up something for lent?

Many people, religious or not, give up something for lent. They use it as a time for reflection and controlling desires and addictions that they struggle with. Whatever your disposition, it's not a bad idea to use this time, when many colleagues and friends are doing the same, to challenge yourself to give up something that is not beneficial to your health. In other words, there's no better time to go on a diet, give up junk food, chocolate, alcohol, meat, swearing, fizzy drinks, coffee, etc! 

The benefit of doing this now along with others are:

1. Support and Accountability: It is likely others are also giving up something for lent so you will have a support network as well as accountability to friends, family and
colleagues at work

2. Lose Weight and Get Healthy: It is a good build up to spring where, if you've decided to give up something fattening, you will have lost a few inches by the time spring is fully here!

3. Give yourself a good detox: Think how clean and clear your system will be after six weeks, sugar free or junk food/alcohol (or whatever you're giving up) free you'll be. Even if it's swearing you're giving up you will feel clear mentally and spiritually as you unblock your pipes from bad and negative connotations

4. More Time: If you're giving up something like Facebook or TV for lent you will have more time on your hands to do other things! 

5. Break Bad habits: They say it takes about one month to break a habit or form a new one. Well after six weeks (40 days) you will certainly have broken the habit and hopefully formed a new one! 

Are you giving up something? Why not email and tell us what it is and your progress. Will post success stories on our Facebook page. 

Tell us your struggles and what challenges you think you'll face!

Happy Ash Wednesday (or not so happy for some!)

Have a great day

Sally x

More to read:

New Year New YOU Staying on track with your goals for 2014
How to survive the Festive Season (and still have fun!)
Are vegetable and seed oils good for you?
September is here! Are you ready?
It starts with food - The Whole30 Programme
Don't waste your time!

Three things you can do to change your health now!
Life on your terms

Get in touch! Email: Would love to hear from you or call 020 8133 1997 or 07984 033 310

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The Perfect Lifestyle


Is the one you create for yourself…

What is the perfect lifestyle? Guru's aim to promote a utopian existence if you follow their ten step plan, personal trainers make promises of a healthier, happier you (myself included!), the media promote a successful career as ideal, or having a family of 2.4 children, a nice home and car with at least one holiday per year, the ideal. But the truth is that the best lifestyle is the one you create for yourself. If it wasn't so then you wouldn't have millions of people straying from the norm and being perfectly happy even though it doesn't fit into mainstream ideals. I'm thinking of people who spend their entire lives devoted to helping others, sometimes at the expense of their own lives; I'm thinking of people who never marry or have children or never reach the top of the corporate ladder but are perfectly fine thank you very much.

Your best life is the one that you create not one that is created for you by others' expectations. I work with young people as a youth worker in my spare time (what spare time she says!) and I see so much conflict between what young people want to do with their lives to what is expected of them. This is not just in terms of career but also fashion sense, music preference and how they have fun. It's such a shame that we often fall into the mould that others have set for us. It's even worse when we haven't even noticed it happening.

In my work as a lifestyle coach I see conflict with people's goals. On the one hand they really want to achieve a particular goal and on the other they seem to fail at every attempt. With a bit of digging we both find out that it was never really their goal in the first place but an expectation they had put on themselves due to others' expectations of them or their own pre-conceived idea what they 'should' be doing.

The truth is you will only ever do or be what you really want to. So you will find yourself reaching for these pseudo goals half-heartedly, with less enthusiasm than goals that you have set for what really makes you happy.

For example if all you ever wanted to do is get married and have children, you will never be quite happy being in the rat race. You will have no sense of motivation or competitiveness or drive to reach the top of your career (or if you do it will never really satisfy).

Equally if all your parents ever wanted for you was to settle down and have a family and live close to them so that you can look after them, and all you want to do is travel the world and have adventure, then there could be some conflict.

I'm not saying that we should shirk responsibilities and disregard family and friends. What I am saying is to be true to yourself. Eventually people catch up and if they love you enough they will accept you for who you are and what you want in life.

I am delighted that some of the young people I know have chosen to live outside of normal. They listen to different music to their friends, wear different types of clothes and are interested in different things as a career (I know one person in particular doing this) and do you know what is happening? She is leading the way for her peers to be different. By being different she is introducing new things to her friends that they have never been exposed to.

We are created to be innovators in our world. Whether you want to be a mum or a business woman, a missionary or a nanny; create your own perfect lifestyle by filling it with what makes you happy and be a better person to be around.

I find the older I get the more I appreciate family and friends, helping others and being content with what I have. If this is you, enjoy it.

Your life is yours. No one will blame you for making it your own. Own it! Live it and create your perfect lifestyle.

Love Sally x

Thursday, 2 January 2014

New Year. New You!

Staying on track with your goals in 2014

New Year's Resolutions 
Most people start a new year's resolution by saying 'I am going to stop this' or 'I'm going to start that' but they don't plan how they're going to do it so when the going gets tough they fall off the wagon very easily. It doesn't have to be that way. With a proper plan you can set realistic tangible goals and create a compelling action plan that will give you a road map to achieving your goals. Wanting something isn't enough. You have to have a plan to get there. Below are a few pointers to consider when setting goals.

Fail to plan, plan to fail. Don't let this be you this year!

Setting Specific goals
To ensure success in goal setting you must begin by being clear on exactly what it is you want. If it's weight you want to lose how much weight? By when? Do you want to lose weight in pounds or kilos or drop a dress size? The more specific your goal, the easier it is to achieve it and the easier it is to measure achievement. 

Another important factor in goal setting is measurement. How will you know you have achieved your goal? How will you measure it? Can you measure it quantitatively (I want to lose X amount of pounds) or qualitatively (I want to feel healthy)? Qualitative measurement isn't as definite as quantitative so you may have to define exactly what you mean by feel healthy.

Decide how you will measure your progress so that you know when you have reached your destination.

Your goal should be timed. You should give yourself and deadline and stick to it. The reason it is important to have a specific date and time for completion is so that you're not forever moving your finish line. By not giving yourself a time to finish you may take a year for what could be done in a month. When there's no real urgency you will take longer than necessary at best or at worst, not complete the task at all. Without a date your goal is just a dream. Many people have dreams but few have GOALS. Dreams often remain just that - dreams. But goals are specific, planned and timed.

Remember it this way: A goal is a dream with a date!

These are just a few pointers. There is so much more involved in goal setting like how you phrase it, writing your goal down, reviewing and updating regularly, breaking it down… But the essential thing is to have a goal in the first place! So give yourself some time, grab a pen and some paper and get planning!

Have a wonderfully productive New Year achieving your goals!

Sally x

(For more on goal setting book a free 30 minute coaching session and see whether clear goal setting could help you to achieve your health and fitness goals quicker and more efficiently. Or visit us at our next Lifestyle Seminar this month (see below for details).

SHL Lifestyle Seminar - Saturday 18th January 2014

Want to learn how to be fit and healthy and be motivated to do it? At SHL Lifestyle Seminars we teach more that just regular weight loss tips but how you can actually stop being addicted to foods, eat the foods that promote healthy weight and hormonal balance and give you a better outlook on life; and how to exercise easily, cheaply and according to the goals and lifestyle you have.

A healthy lunch is included in the four hour workshop-style session and you will be shown live demos on exercises and equipment used.

Plus lots of fun and games as you get to know people just like you.

SHL Lifestyle Seminar
18th January 2014, 10am-2pm
Third Door
16 Point Pleasant
London SW18 1GG

10 Early Bird tickets available £45 each (£60 thereafter).

For more info see Eventbrite booking page or visit website or email 

Hope to see you there!