September is here! Are you ready?
As daunting as it may sound, some may welcome the safe boundaries of getting back to a routine. It's nice to sleep in, to go on holiday, have evenings out and BBQ's - but even that relaxed way of life can become tiring after a while, even boring. We begin to long for the routine again. To get our life organised and things we've neglected back on track.
September is a great time to do that. The sun is still shining and we've not entered dark days yet although they are soon coming!
As a coach I often hear of four main areas that people want to work on to get themselves back on track. They are:
Relationships - not necessarily in that order!
It seems that when each of these areas is ticking along nicely we are content.
The problem however, is that we often focus on one area of our lives at a time to the detriment of the others. Some people are so bogged down with work for example that they have no time to invest in their relationships. Or they are focusing on their relationships that they are neglecting their fitness.
Coaching brings clarity. It's time spent thinking about what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. It's a time to focus your energies on your goals-but not just to think about them, to actually plan around them.
Nothing feels better than being ready for a season change. Let's go into winter with a clear plan for work, coping in the winter months, our fitness regime, even Christmas! Take a look a look at our coaching offers below. It's not too late to start.
This year waste no time. Plan your life and live it to the full!
We look forward to helping you to live your best life ever
SHL Team
September coaching offers
One-to-one coaching - 30 minute coaching session - Free
Power Packs
Back on track
Fit 'n' Fabulous
Back to Work and Lovin' it!
Change Your Thinking Change Your Life
Change Your Eating Change Your life
Get organised!
Some programmes consist of coaching and mentoring. Please call for your free session to find out more.
To book call 0208 133 1997 or 07894 033 310 or email
As a coach I often hear of four main areas that people want to work on to get themselves back on track. They are:
Relationships - not necessarily in that order!
It seems that when each of these areas is ticking along nicely we are content.
The problem however, is that we often focus on one area of our lives at a time to the detriment of the others. Some people are so bogged down with work for example that they have no time to invest in their relationships. Or they are focusing on their relationships that they are neglecting their fitness.
Coaching brings clarity. It's time spent thinking about what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. It's a time to focus your energies on your goals-but not just to think about them, to actually plan around them.
Nothing feels better than being ready for a season change. Let's go into winter with a clear plan for work, coping in the winter months, our fitness regime, even Christmas! Take a look a look at our coaching offers below. It's not too late to start.
This year waste no time. Plan your life and live it to the full!
We look forward to helping you to live your best life ever
SHL Team
September coaching offers
One-to-one coaching - 30 minute coaching session - Free
Power Packs
Back on track
Fit 'n' Fabulous
Back to Work and Lovin' it!
Change Your Thinking Change Your Life
Change Your Eating Change Your life
Get organised!
Some programmes consist of coaching and mentoring. Please call for your free session to find out more.
To book call 0208 133 1997 or 07894 033 310 or email
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